Land Investing direct mail advertising case study

Direct Mail Advertising Case Study: Naperville, IL, Land Investor

Mailer Design

The Situation

A land investor located in Naperville, IL needed a way to reach prospects and see if they were interested in selling their vacant land. So, they reached out to Rocket Print & Mail for help with their marketing.

The Solution

This land investor mailed a total of 10,640 letters to a list of vacant land owners on a monthly mailing schedule. Each mailing had about 2,000-6,000 letters.

The letter created by Rocket Print & Mail included the property address, details on how to complete a deal, and benefits of working with the investor, like avoiding fees and saving time.

The Results

They generated $80,000 in revenue!

As a result, this company heard back from 40 people and they made 4 land purchases, generating $80,000 in revenue and achieving a return on investment of 903%.

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CSID: 167