Direct Mail Advertising Case Study: Old Hickory, TN, Land Investor
"They generated $12,000 in revenue!"
The Situation
Located in Old Hickory, TN, this land investment company was looking for a way to gain more clients interested in selling their land, so they came to Rocket Print & Mail for help with their marketing.
The Solution
This Tennessee land investor mailed 4,443 letters to their own list of vacant land owners on a weekly mailing schedule. The letters were mailed out in increments of about 500 pieces.
The letter included specific details about the interested property and instructions on how to respond to the cash offer. It also included a personal signature at the bottom (not pictured above for anonymity) to increase trust with the prospect.

The Results
They generated $12,000 in revenue!
After mailing the letters, this land investor received 90 responses and closed 3 deals, which generated $12,000 in revenue.
This investor spent $2,466 on this batch of letters, bringing their return on investment to 387%!
This was also only a part of the entire direct mail campaign, so this investor expects to generate even more revenue in the future.