I understand what many of you are going through right now. As a fellow business owner, I am also affected by COVID-19, like you are, I am too watching the news every day – breathing deeply while hoping I’m not mandated to close my doors completely.

Luckily, since I’ve been in business for 22 years, this isn’t my first rodeo with a scary, widespread and sharp turn of events (recession of 2008, anyone?). But, because I experienced that crippling downturn which almost killed my company back then (I was MUCH smaller and WAY broker), I want to help you and your business get through these hard times, which is why:

Our Growth Summit is now going to be held virtually, and 100% FREE.

I know you’re asking the questions:

Will my business survive this?

What’s going to happen?

And most importantly…

What can I do?

My team and I are going to help you through this.

We’re making our live Growth Summit virtual, and attendance is completely FREE. You’re going to learn what you can do with COVID-19 happening to help your business. We’re hosting this event which will be five days long, for two hours per day. which will make it VERY easy for anyone to hop on their computer at home and attend this small business owners’ event, scheduled for Monday, March 30 – Friday, April 3rd, 2020.

Sign up here FREE for the Virtual Growth Summit

We have NEVER done this before (and most likely won’t do it again) but are committed to giving you the help you need during this time. And if there is anything I’ve learned from saving my business when the economy crashed in 2008, it’s this:

Do NOT do nothing.

Grab resources, adapt, and keep moving.

There are many resources to help small business owners right now… keep reading! 

We put together a FREE online COVID-19 Small Business Resource Guide that is being updated daily to help you and your business pivot in real-time as we navigate through this hectic time. You’ll find small business grant information, creative examples of how small businesses are pivoting and my own personal story of barely surviving as a business in 2008.  

For example:

If you’re worried your business is about to go under financially, this guide features help like:

  • The SBA released small business disaster loans you can apply for at 3.75%
  • Facebook is offering $100 million in cash grants and ad credits
  • The IRS is allowing tax payments to be delayed after 4/15
  • You can make your business CDC-compliant and not give up sales
  • More brilliant ideas to continue to generate sales (even for restaurants!)

Access this free resource here — I recommend bookmarking it because we update it every day, it’s faster to read versus scanning many news outlets every day for the latest.

We are here to help you. Sign up to attend the free Virtual Growth Summit March 30th – April 3rd.

Here at Rocket Print & Mail, we are committed to staying open, serving small businesses and delivering all current, future and in-process orders without halt despite COVID-19.

Stay smart, vigilant and ready to adapt, and we’ll all make it through this together stronger than ever. As a fellow small business owner, let’s set the tone for the millions of employees who count on us.  

