Let me know if this scenario is familiar or not:

You go to a company for help with marketing, and they make all kinds of over-the-top promises about the results they can get for you.

You part with your hard-earned cash looking for some amazing return on your investment —and what do you get?


Well, I’m here to say…

I hear you!

I want to make a few points here that may help you:

  1. You have a choice:
    1. You can decide that these companies betrayed you, write them off forever and wallow in the loss of funds.
    2. You can take steps to understand why that campaign failed you by educating yourself on marketing.
  2. If you choose A above, well — that’s that, isn’t it? Basically, you can’t or aren’t willing to move forward, which means you can’t have a win and will always feel like marketing companies are all a bunch of crooks.
  3. You can choose B and decide YOU are ultimately responsible for your business and your marketing, and that, perhaps, IF you had a better understanding of different marketing components, you would be better equipped to evaluate what someone is selling you AND the design proof they send of your ad or direct mail piece.

If you’re still reading, I can definitely help you have a win with marketing…

Another issue that is paramount amongst our small business clients is tracking results accurately.

I literally just talked to a client who thought we betrayed her. She was firmly choosing A above.

She spent money and very definitively declared: “It didn’t work!”

When I dug into her campaign, here’s what I found:

  • She only mailed 800 mail pieces
  • But she did mail 3 times to the same list (repetition is KEY)
  • She opted for our Everywhere Small Business campaign, which includes coordinated and fully tracked follow-up ads on Google and Facebook
  • From our online tracking dashboard, I could see that 605 people clicked on her ads to visit her website

Let me repeat that:

A whopping 605 people saw these follow-up ads online, were reminded of their initial interest, and clicked through to visit her website.

That’s AMAZING and so utterly successful.

(It turns out her website was the culprit for the low response. Folks were interested and visiting, but then hit the back button for a number of reasons — you’ve done that, I’m sure, so you can imagine.)

The mystery I need to solve is this:

Why did she think what WE delivered failed her??

The answer to that is a longer story, but mainly it was because she didn’t understand what she was looking at in the dashboard we provided. To us, it’s crystal clear.

And I think it’s important to add:

This particular client, whose campaign I looked into, is very smart, educated and lovely — not the type to complain about everything no matter what. (I’m sure you have a few of those. We all do!)

So here I am, the CEO of a very successful small business marketing company, and yet I have clients that obviously feel like we betrayed them.

I love this challenge!!

How can I bridge the gap?

How can I get YOU, my clients, to a point where you not only fully understand the complicated, multi-layered process of marketing, but actually master this knowledge enough so that you can think with it and apply it?

The answer:


I have to get you educated. It’s not hard but it does take some dedicated attention without interruptions.

Cue our Small Business Owners Growth Summit. And YOU are officially cordially invited!

This bi-annual event is held right here at Rocket Print & Mail’s headquarters in beautiful, sunny Clearwater, FL. It’s two days of sales and marketing education, and we cover:

  • How to close tough buyers
  • How to generate interest and capture leads
  • How to analyze your website — and any website — to ensure it actually WORKS for your business
  • How to follow up with prospects automatically and maximize closes
  • Basically, the ins and outs of modern marketing — seriously, it’s my mission at this event to ensure you leave a master of your own marketing

We cover just about every cost, including a gorgeous sunset dinner cruise. All you have to do is get yourself here and be ready to learn.

This year’s event will be from April 1–3 (Wednesday evening to Friday afternoon).

You can check out the full agenda and watch videos from past attendees here.

And as a Rocket Print & Mail client, you only pay a small token amount ($197) to reserve your seat as long as you’re registered by February 28. That’s the early bird price and I recommend you take advantage — or else the price jumps to $397.

I really do strive to ensure that my clients enjoy this event, learn a BOATLOAD and leave feeling like they’ve scored the deal of the century, so I know you won’t regret it.

Register here today or give your marketing consultant a call and book through them. I know they’re all dying to meet you!!

If you have any questions about the summit or about marketing in general, call one of my consultants at 800-628-1804 — it’s FREE and they’ll be happy to help you! Or you can always email me directly at Joy.Gendusa@PostcardMania.com.

